Duplication is one of the first terms you'll discover when you encounter MLM, with good reason!
The principle of MLM is one of getting customers (players) and distributors (affiliates) and then showing them how to do the same.
This works best if there is a system and the same information is communicated at every level.
Note that not every aspect of the business duplicates. Your DMO is possibly unique to you, you don't try to duplicate that within your team.
However, the principle of the DMO does duplicate and the methods that were available to you should be available to them, even if you don't use them.
Imagine if you had no system in place to create duplication. You would teach your new affiliates what they should do. In time, they would teach their new affiliates who would teach their affiliates and so on.
Within a very short time, what's being passed from generation to generation bears no resemblance to what you taught; there is no duplication occurring.
You have a unique system at your disposal for creating duplication within your team - this website.
By passing this website (www.thedestinygroup.co.uk) to your new affiliates and teaching them to pass it on to their team, you ensure a minimum level of duplication. You can be confident that the same message and the same minimum level of support is getting to all your team members, even those you can't communicate with.